Thursday, May 27, 2010

Law Preview?

Ok so Im trying to decide whether law preview is really worth being separated from my family for a week earlier. I mean is mental versus emotional support more relevant in this situation. But im not gonna stress about it. What happens happens Ill decide tomorrow. Just tryna get this post in. Ugh better post tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Secrets to Success

Why do soooooooooo many people have a secret to law school success and they all seem to conflict. Especially when it comes to which study guide to use. I want my study and learning process already established so if I get to school it will only require tweaking. I'm the type of learner that has to write things in order to memorize and then I also used flash card. I can't read and memorize. I'm still liking Law School Confidential supposed method, but I think I want to add flash cards. If I stick with a supposed work plan during the week. I can use the flash cards to reinforce on the weekends. I plan like I guess every one does to stick to a crazy schedule during the week and rest and party on the weekends. Probably party FRIDAY night and Rest Saturday Study Saturday Afternoon then more rest Saturday and then Church Sunday Morning and then back to the regularly scheduled program Sunday afternoon. I know some of you like this girl is crazy. But I don't adapt very well to big changes. I have to prepare my mind and body for what this will be like. If I make a schedule I can stick to it. And then I guess we all got a lil crazy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

OK So Am I ready for this.....

So I keep reading other people's blawgs, and I read Law School Confidential, well that atleast made me feel confident that I could get ready. But am I ready NoW? H - E- Double Hockey Stix no!. I'm scared to death of my class attendance. I know people are like, um just go to class. But I haven't been a steady class attender since high school, even then I frequently roamed the hallways, finding new routes so the hall monitors couldnt keep tabs on me. I have done my best to do the least necessary to maintain a B average. It's Just SCHOOL. But now its all different. I gotta get that A. I gotta make Law Review. I gotta get that 1L summer position. I gotta get that job at the top firm. And no Im not going to a Top10 law school. But I know its still possible. I just gotta prepare. If I put my mind to anything I can do it.

So my first order of business,is as Law School Confidential will say... SETTING UP MY HEADQUARTERS

- well im looking for the best alarm clock. that should help me. I need something that I need to get up and do something, because I press snooze like it aint nothing.
- I already picked out my bookbag, not taking my mother's suggestion and getting a rolley because im petite. Nope, I'ma get that NORTHFACE SURGE BACKPACK.
- I already done got my laptop. And I am learning all of its knicks and knacks now. So I'll be good.
- I'm reading every book I possibly can on law school. And I'm letting the law school confidential mindframe sink in. Just read IVYBRIEFS- scared me a lil bit ( I gotta compete against the top ten, let these people know I chilled during undergrad, but that don't take nothing away from my intelligence...either does my grammar).

Back to searching for stuff to help with law school. I love the internet. I got a new attitude, see ya on top.